Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Article Research:Market Share-Quiz Grade

Using the internet research a business article which discusses the market share of a product market. Read the article and summarize the main points for discussion. Be prepared to email your notes to Mr. Downs.
Your Notes Need To Include:
Source:(Website Url/Webpage Name & Date)
Main Ideas/Summary of Main Points:(minimum of 3 talking points noted)
A summary of your meaningful opinion as it relates to the article.
Using the Bibme website create a login and create an APA citation for your web resource.

Value:Quiz Grade

Leadership Discussion:Quiz Grade

Questions to answer in a document and email to Mr. Downs.

1.Who is a leader to you?

2.Why is this person percieved as a leader?

3.What skills do they possess?

4.Are leaders born or are made?

5.What are the benefits of being a leader?

6.What are the pitfalls of being a leader?

7. If you could choose one athlete/entertainment figure to endorse a product for your company
who would you choose and why?

Be prepared to present your answers to the class and discuss.