Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fernando Nation:30 for 30

What are 3 instances in the film in which you see racism?

What do you feel were the true motivations of the Dodgers organization with their treatment of Fernando?  Were they fair?

Why was Fernando such a strong marketing component for the Dodgers organization?

How do you feel that Fernando has changed the perception of Latino baseball players in the Major Leagues?

What opprtunities did he create?


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  4. What are 3 instances in the film in which you see racism?
    -Three instances where you see racism is when Dodgers stadium is built over a Mexican village, people living in and around the dodgers constriction cite where evicted, and they didn’t allow Mexicans to watch the game.

    What do you feel were the true motivations of the Dodgers organization with their treatment of Fernando? Were they fair?
    -They used Fernando to make money for the organization. Since Fernando was a foreigner and didn’t understand English very well you couldn’t understand what was going on. This wasn’t fair.

    Why was Fernando such a strong marketing component for the Dodgers organization?
    -He was a strong marketing component for the Dodgers organization because he was a talented pitcher who everyone wanted to watch. He brought in fans which brought in money.

    How do you feel that Fernando has changed the perception of Latino baseball players in the Major Leagues?
    -He allowed them to get an equal chance as everyone else to be a player in the MLB.

    What opportunities did he create?
    He created opportunities for foreigners to play baseball.

  5. One intance where there's racism is the disrespect for Fernando when he came into the league. Despite being an amazing and promising pitcher, he was given a low salary compared to the other players. Another instance was the talk show host who made a joke making fun of Fernando's pay strike. He said that if he wasnt playing baseball then somebody could just hire him to do their landscaping. At first the dodgers weren't fair with their treatment of Fernando, but despite the salary issues they still treated him very well. They played him a lot and gave him the opportunities he deserved on the field. Fernando was such a strong marketing component for the Dodger's organization because he was a huge deal amongst fans. Thousands of people came to specifically watch Fernando play because he was the next big thing and people loved him. He also made people more interested in baseball in general, and wherever he went fans would show up to watch him play. Fernando was able to help latino's out, because after him other teams were looking for their own latino's to draw attention to themselves. Although they were taking these mexican baseball players for the wrong reasons, it still opened up many opportunies for latinos. Fernando was the latino's gateway to professional baseball. He also inspired many young latino children, because before him they never had anybody to look up to and they never believed that they would be able to make it to professional baseball because nobody else had. After him, kids were inspired to play and they had somebody to look up to.

  6. What pressures do you feel led to the death of Len Bias? Who do you feel is the most to blame for his death and why? Do you think his impact on the NBA would have been as large as was anticipated?

    The pressures that lead to Len Bias death were his peers pressuring him to try a drug he never did before. Another thing that lead to his death were actually driving to that house. Other factors that lead to his death were school pressures(grades), his recent Reebok deal, and his signing to the Celtics. The most to blame is his teammate Trebble because he gave him the drug. No one will ever know if he would have been a star in the NBA considering that the college league and the NBA league are to different levels.

  7. Describe the two leadership styles of Donald Trump and John Bassett. How do their individual styles influence their teams? How did their styles influence the development of the USFL? Do you think the fate of the USFL would be different if Donald Trump was not involved? How?

    Donald Trumps leadership style was with his money, he bought players with really big salary caps and his power came from his money. John Bassett was the opposite of him
    Without Donald there wouldnt have been as much money in the USFL considering that donald bought a team and paid a lot of players salaries.

  8. Tentative Name Of Your Project: OHC (One Handed Catch)

    Function Of Your Product:
    Makes one handed catches in football effortless.

    Materials Used In Your Product:
    C-Technique material for stick
    Dyes for color

    Target Market and Description Of Your Products Market:
    Most light weight and best stick.

    How is your product innovative or special and what materials is it made of?
    It has the best grip out of all the gloves and it is the most lightweight.

    How can you Imagine the Packaging or Product Design Looking: A man doing a one handed catch.

    Where are the locations or places your product could be sold or promoted? Sporting goods stores

  9. Product description - Gloves that improve an atheletes ability to catch the ball.
    Product Cost $44-80
    Positive and negative aspects of the product - Grip doesnt last if they get dirty
    Why is it innovative? - They claim that no glove preforms like theres.
    Do you feel it will be successful? Yes because they're the only glove in there business of glove vendors that have C-teq material.
    Who do you think it will buy the product?
    Who do you feel the product is marketed to? All atheltes espically the ones who are looking to move on to the next level or however is looking to get a better grip on the ball.
    Do you see elements of branding or product positioning?

  10. I see racism in the movie when the Spanish citizens who do not have visas are deported home and American citizens get their jobs, Mexicans are not allowed to go to the games, and the Dodger Stadium is built on top of Mexican territory. I feel that the motivations of the Dodgers organization with their treatment of Fernando was to use him and sell lots of merchandise that will attract to sports fans in Mexico and the United States. I don’t believe they were fair with their treatment because they took away Fernando’s innocence and made him grow up in the business world and want more money. Fernando could not even go out to Wendys and grab a burger without getting bombarded by fans. He had to stay in his room until the game, then go straight back after. Fernando was not used to the change and did not like it. Fernando came from a small village where he knew everybody and was crowded in his house with many other people. Now that he came into the baseball business he had to stay in his hotel room isolated by himself. Fernando was such a strong marketing component because he appealed to the Mexican citizens and gave them inspiration. Fernando has changed the perception of Latino Baseball in the Major Leagues by proving to America that any man can come out of a third world country and play baseball just as well as any one else. Fernando created opportunities such as being a role model for many other Latino baseball players who came over to play baseball. He also gave Latinos the chance to come to baseball games. The Latinos became a great income for money.
